Choosing the Perfect Gardening Oscillator and Sprinkler for Your Yard

A nice, green, lush lawn is still on most homeowners' wish lists. In fact, more than 79% of homeowners feel like their lawn is an essential feature of their home that needs to be taken care of properly.
There are many ways to accomplish this goal, and everyone has slightly different techniques they like to try. But one thing is universal; you have to figure out the best watering system for your lawn. The grass will never be greener without adequate and consistent water, and you'll always feel frustrated with the results.
Choosing a gardening oscillator and sprinkler to add to your yard tools arsenal can make all the difference in your watering routine. The key is choosing the right one for your yard, and we've put together a guide to help you do just that.
So read on!
Calculate Water Needs
Before you begin your search for a new oscillating sprinkler or any other watering tools, you'll need to figure out your water needs exactly. In an ideal world, your lawn will be getting consistent watering on all parts. Meaning there won't be any dead spots out of reach of the sprinklers.
Knowing the general size of your lawn and how extensive each section is can help you determine how much water coverage you'll need.
Every watering system will need some fine-tuning once it's all in place to ensure it's working at its best. But this general knowledge is the best place to start to see the most success.
Determine the Number Required
Once you know how much space you're going to need to cover, you can start looking at the types of sprinklers available to see what will work best. Oscillating sprinklers are generally an excellent choice for a green yard because of how much coverage they offer.
In some cases, one sprinkler isn't enough to water efficiently. This is a great time to decide if you want to try more than best oscillating sprinkler, sprinkler hose, best sprinkler for large lawn, orbit oscillating sprinkler manual, automatic water timer, water timers in your yard and how you're going to arrange them to get the most full-coverage possible.
Plan for Maintenance and Care
For many homeowners, figuring out a watering system for a beautiful garden and lawn isn't something they want to do repeatedly. They'd like to make a plan and then stick to it for years to come.
This is why proper maintenance of your tools is so essential. When you take good care of your sprinklers and gardening tools, you'll be able to use them for much longer. This means you won't have to worry about finding a replacement or changing your plan when the same thing isn't available years later.
As you're picking out your new sprinkler, think about what it will take to care for it properly and decide if you can handle adding the tasks to your routine or not.
Prepare for Monthly Costs
Even though it's necessary, some homeowners are annoyed by how their monthly water bill changes when adding in any type of irrigation.
If you're on a strict budget or just like to understand potential increases, it's a good idea to prepare yourself for when you add an oscillating sprinkler. You can estimate what to expect by checking the water output rate on the sprinklers you're looking at and then multiplying that by your current local water rate.
This obviously won't be an exact number you can expect, but it's an excellent place to understand how your financial needs will change.
Map Out Your Water Route
Next, you'll want to map out the location of your sprinklers to get the comprehensive water coverage you're looking for. Once you've secured your sprinkler choices, it may take trial and error to correct the positioning.
Each sprinkler should come with an approximate for how far they'll reach and what you can expect. This helps determine exactly where you want to place them. It's also essential to decide where the water for those sprinklers will be coming from and how you’ll get it to the sprinklers.
Secure a Water Source
After those placements are determined, you'll want to double-check to ensure you have everything you need to transport that water. Typically this is done through a hose or series of hoses and connections. Don't miss checking your hoses and making sure they'll do the job or if you need replacements.
Nothing is more frustrating than turning on your watering system only to realize there's a hole or leak somewhere. When you have to find the issue and repair the damage, you risk shutting the whole operation down and wasting your precious time.
Start off on the right foot with everything you need for successful watering.
Combine Types for Full Coverage
While oscillating sprinklers are a helpful asset for many homeowners trying to get lovely landscaping and lush yards, they aren't the only option available. There are several types of oscillating sprinklers you can choose from or other sprinkler options altogether.
Sometimes the best watering plan is one that combines a variety of options to make a customized system.
This is especially true when you have an underground system that is possibly missing areas or a unique shape that's hard to get full coverage for. It's a good idea to look at your options to find the best solution instead of being stuck with the first thing you see.
Choosing the Best Oscillating Sprinkler
When choosing the best oscillating sprinkler,sprinkler hose,
best sprinkler for large lawn, orbit oscillating sprinkler manual, automatic water timer, water timers , you want to cover all of your bases and get enough water on the grass. It all boils down to taking a little extra time to make the right choice instead of picking up the first option you see.
Once you make your selection, you'll be amazed at how big of a difference a sound watering system can have on the appearance of your lawn. The flexibility of an oscillating sprinkler and its ability to move around can make your job much easier.
If you're interested in learning about more gardening tools that can help you or your customers have the best lawn, contact us today!